Monday, June 11, 2012

Sick of the sick

I am not often sick I am generally a very healthy person. But this pregnancy I have been very ill. Not like pregnancy nausea and pregnancy stuff but crappy immune system. As most know pregnancy suppresses your immune system. SO anyway every year I will get a cold or the sniffles just like anyone else but other then that I am healthy.
This last couple of months I have been so unhealthy. Almost every other week for the last two months I have had something. I had tonsillitis, a cold, then gastro which ended with me on a drip with server dehydration, then a cold that stayed for 2 weeks and resulted in an ear infection that ended up in a burst eardrum that I am dealing with now. SO at the moment I cant really hear out of one ear and it is a horrible thing to deal with I am not a fan of it I feel very old. If I boil the kettle I cant hear anything else but bubbling water it is driving me insane.
I don't like being sick I am not a very good sick person I am a grumpy sick person.


  1. Hope you get better soon. xx

  2. That sucks.
    Vitamin B is good for repairing what the 'bugs' do to your body when you are sick. Viruses trashe your red cell supply and inturn decreases your immune as it doesnt really recover.
    Best sources is vegemite of all things,but if you cant eat that, a vitamin suppliment, or fresh fruit etc. Being pregnant may require checking with the GP how much is ok. I know non pregnant perso can have up to 1000mg a day aswell as same amount of vit c (kills the bugs).
    Good luckxx
    In the meantime, try some comfort tea (hot honey &lemon)xx

    1. Thank you for the tip. I am actually low in Vit B, news from my doctor so I am now taking Vit B great suggestion. Thanks for reading and caring .
