Friday, March 16, 2012

Oh Baby- breast feeding blanket

Now it is out there. Baby two is on the way. So I'm going to be posting some baby things. I have so much baby stuff I really dont need anything, we have all the essentials but I will just be posting some fun stuff that I find.
First Oh Baby post is these really cute breast feeding blanket. In winter you could wear it as a shawl and always have it with you.
Anti-Bacterial and UV Protection
On a different but similar note. This is a conversation I over heard at a coffee shop. Here is so back ground- Mother in jodhpurs (horsey lady), nanny chasing the woman's child on command. Mother chatting to another lady (who was pregnant) about parenting, while she watched her nanny feed the child. Anyway she started talking about breastfeeding, she almost spat the word out. Here are a couple of quotes 'you don't get to drink while they are feeding off you inside you, and then they come out and you just want a drink but no they want to feed off you more so you cant drink' another quote 'it is like a leech sucking your energy and assets hahahaha' not funny.
This is not what a mother to be should be hearing. I think that everyone has choice but they should make it themselves without that kind of influence. If I had heard that I probably wouldn't have wanted to breast feed either. I loved breastfeeding, the first days a hard just getting used to the sensations ect but it is such a blessing that our bodies can sustain a human life like that and that close time you get with your baby.
Any expectant mothers out there please don't give in to pressures like that. I know it is a bizarre concept, having this little thing suckling at your boobs, but it is so great. I was only able to breast feed for 4 months before my body said no milk for you, and I miss it. I cant want till Baby 2 comes and I can do it again hopefully for longer this time.
By the way, I will not be calling this baby 'Baby 2' for long just until we find out if it is a boy or a girl.

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