Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Work In

This is my version of the work out, I don't like working out outside. It gives me to many excuses, to hot, to cold, to wet, to muddy and so on. Also I either have to stay close enough to hear my son or take him with me, he is to heavy to carry for a full workout which for me is about 40 min and our road is ok for a stroller but not if you want to get moving. 
So all that being said I work out inside. I do lunges, squats, push ups and lots of fast walking ect. I watch tv and play with my baby as I go. Sometimes my walking involves lifting my baby up and down over and over that's a lovely 10kg dead weight. So I make sure I sweat and I puff. I like working In I like the way it makes you feel and I like getting my energy up. 
I want to be fit and healthy for years to come. I am young but I am a little over weight and I want to get that in control. I want to be able to run around with my son when he is ten and more. As I have said I am pregnant and I look and feel like a walrus, of cause I look like a lovely glowing pregnant walrus. So I am not trying to loose weight while I am pregnant but I do want to keep my weight in check. 
This is my stance on people having kids. No matter your age when you have kids as long as you stay fit and look after yourself to the point you can play with your kids and give them all you have got then have them. I have seen 20 year olds that will only be 38 when there kids finish high school. They will still be young enough to do anything but instead they are putting on weight eating badly and not giving their young bodies the attention they deserve. I dont want to be one of those parents. I want to be running in my forties and fifties I want to be able to throw my grand kids up in the air not rub my back after I hold them for a few minutes. 
I think we should all vow to give our bodies the attention they deserve, they do a lot for us. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Oh baby

We found an amazing antique high chair when Hastings was about 4 months and we did it up. I sewed new seat covers and we sanded and repainted it. It is a design from the 50's.
Anyway I love his high chair but I found this one which I think if very fun. I am not sure if it would replace my lovely chair but if I broke mine this is the one I would buy.
Cool and Modern High Chairs

Monday, March 19, 2012

What the heck?

This is disgusting, there are some silly things around these days.
Pro Ana
This should be very illegal.
This is a movement that supports the lifestyle of anorexia sufferers.
This is unsafe, unhealthy and just plain wrong.
I do not think that is is right to encourage obesity either.
But these are websites encouraging men and women to not eat, the be 'thinspired',
To push my point-
Anorexia sufferers who get sick to the point they end up in Hospital are not true pro ana's because pro ana's do not fail.
Here is a tip shown on one of the various websites

 Pick one food for the day,look under the fat burning food section on this site or you can eat something  like an apple. Cut it into 4 quarters. Eat one part for breakfast, one for lunch, one for dinner, and you've got one left over for a snack. 

There are so many more, have a look at the absurdity.

Please tell me what you think this is a strange issue to bring up but I just wanted to vent and to bring it to the surface.

Guessing Game

Take your pick will it be a girl or a boy.
Here is some information or some symptoms that might give you some ideas
-First trimester
         *I was morning sick
         *I was very morning sick with Hastings
         *With Hastings I lost 12 kilos in the first trimester because I couldn't keep anything down
         *This time I felt horrible but I was able to eat and did not loose weight
         *With Hastings I didn't show until I was about 20 weeks
         * I have put on a fair bit of weight since then but people were guessing that I was pregnant when I was 10 weeks. Also just to confirm it is definitively just one baby.
         * Both pregnancies very tired. It hits about 11 am and I am ready to get back into bed.

That's about it. There are some differences in this pregnancy but not huge differences.

Take a guess
Boy or Girl

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Friday Night Dinner

Here it is my pasta. I like making it but from now on I am not making it for more then 4 it is way to much work.

Here is entree crepe style omelets with smoked salmon, cream cheese and chives
Main, fettuccine marinara 

 Passion fruit brulee on a coconut  dacquoise

Friday, March 16, 2012

Oh Baby- breast feeding blanket

Now it is out there. Baby two is on the way. So I'm going to be posting some baby things. I have so much baby stuff I really dont need anything, we have all the essentials but I will just be posting some fun stuff that I find.
First Oh Baby post is these really cute breast feeding blanket. In winter you could wear it as a shawl and always have it with you.
Anti-Bacterial and UV Protection
On a different but similar note. This is a conversation I over heard at a coffee shop. Here is so back ground- Mother in jodhpurs (horsey lady), nanny chasing the woman's child on command. Mother chatting to another lady (who was pregnant) about parenting, while she watched her nanny feed the child. Anyway she started talking about breastfeeding, she almost spat the word out. Here are a couple of quotes 'you don't get to drink while they are feeding off you inside you, and then they come out and you just want a drink but no they want to feed off you more so you cant drink' another quote 'it is like a leech sucking your energy and assets hahahaha' not funny.
This is not what a mother to be should be hearing. I think that everyone has choice but they should make it themselves without that kind of influence. If I had heard that I probably wouldn't have wanted to breast feed either. I loved breastfeeding, the first days a hard just getting used to the sensations ect but it is such a blessing that our bodies can sustain a human life like that and that close time you get with your baby.
Any expectant mothers out there please don't give in to pressures like that. I know it is a bizarre concept, having this little thing suckling at your boobs, but it is so great. I was only able to breast feed for 4 months before my body said no milk for you, and I miss it. I cant want till Baby 2 comes and I can do it again hopefully for longer this time.
By the way, I will not be calling this baby 'Baby 2' for long just until we find out if it is a boy or a girl.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

My next cooking projects

Just a quick little insight into my Friday night cooking for the family. This week it is on Saturday night. Well here is some hints, I have tried making some home made pasta, I have made my coconut dacquoise and I have passionfruit curd cooking as we type.
Any way this post is for my next cooking projects.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes


Sweet Potato Cupcakes with Brown Sugar Marshmallow Frosting

Sweet Potato Cupcake with Brown Sugar Marshmallow Frosting 

Hummingbird Cupcakes


green tea cupcakes with honey frosting

Oh there are so Many More I want to cook but lets start with these

The Big News


Thats right you heard it here first. We are having a second baby. 

We are now at 18 weeks and are due 14th of August. 

We will find out if it is a boy or a girl in 2 weeks I just can't wait 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Press On


My Mum gave me a cookie press that she found at a second hand store. I am not a big cookie maker but I wanted to try this out. I used a great simple recipe and it made some great little shaped cookies. 
The Recipe
Press Cookies
1/2 cup Butter
1/2 tsp Salt
1/2 cup Sugar
1    tsp Vanilla
1 2/3 cups  Plain Flour 
Cream butter and sugar and salt. Stir in egg and vanilla. Add flour gradually and mix well. Place spoonfuls or using cookie press, onto ungreased cookie sheet. 
Bake in 200 Degree oven for 5-7 min

Monday, March 12, 2012

Smelly Stuff

I smell everything. I know that sounds weird but I can smell everything in a room. I can smell three different smells at once. My nose is very sensitive. This morning I walked into the bedroom and smelt our fabric softener (yum) Josh's new deodorant which threw me off (ok) and then some poop, Hastings poop (yuck).

Any way the point is I love smelling but sometimes there is disgusting smells. Otherwise I love it. I have tried 2 different fabric softeners  and I hated one. One I bought for the first time before Hastings was born so I think I have a little bit of a memory love for it as well as it smells great. I also by very smelly body washes ect.

I make everywhere in my house smell. Our bedroom and Laundry smell like softener. Hastings rooms smells like baby, the good kind not the puke and poop kind, the, talc and baby shampoo kind. Our Living room and linen closet smells like lavender and our Kitchen always has fresh herbs in it.

I love nice smells.

Oh So Pretty

Cup Cakes

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Friday Nights

On Friday nights I cook for my family, parents and my brother ect or they cook for us. I like to travel around the world with my cooking using different techniques that I haven't used before or different ingredients that I haven't used before.
So this last Friday for dessert we did
Black Rice and Palm Sugar puddings 
with Caramelised Pineapple and Vanilla 
This was my beautiful specimen of a pineapple. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Real Friends

I have known these beautiful ladies for more then ten years. They are more then my friends they are family. These are my baby's honorary Aunties. This photo is of us looking lovely at 18 years old.
This next photo is from my wedding all of us looking more beautiful years later. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I have a little obsession (newly found) that has probably been formed both by the mess but also the spare time. The new obsession is my floors, we installed them, we put their first scratches on them and we kind of love them. I have started cleaning them on a very regular basis. A couple of problems with that
We live in a water wonderland. It has been so wet recently so any foot in the door is mess in the door.
We have 3 dogs and if you add water with that it is so much mess. I must admit they are cleaning dogs, they are good at cleaning Hastings dropped food.
I love chemicals. I am not a natural girl, I respect people that can do it but it is not for me. I like good old fashion windex and bleach ect. The problem with that is I have a baby crawling and sometimes eating off this floor. So I am having to learn to do this a bit more naturally.

I enjoy having clean floors and this is Hastings helping. He has the right idea he is doing a chore but the mower doesn't seem to clean the floor very well.
BTW see that shine you can see the reflection of the mower int he floor YAY

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Beautiful things

This is a vase that my Husband gave me for Christmas. It is really beautiful but I have been so worried about breaking it. In the vase we have put some white flower that is a weed that grows on our fence, but it smells funny so the one thing I added was some stems from our Opal Thai Basil. So now our kitchen smells like beautiful fresh basil and it is in a really Beautiful Vase.

Pamper, Pamper, Pamper

My Husband just went back to work after having lost his job just before Christmas. Which is great other then his baby boy misses him, and after Hastings naps he wakes and calls his DA DA DA DA for a while until he realizes DA is not coming to play.
Any way the whole point of telling you that story was because I thought I would have less time on my hands with hub at work it would be just me looking after our ten month old buddy. Surprisingly I have found more time *tada* I have found that there is less washing up to do and less having to worry about what anyone else is doing which seems mean but I now have a clean house and a baby getting back into a schedule. Oh how I love my schedules. 
I miss hub of cause not having an adult to talk to but I am loving time to get some things in order. Also my baby is very predictable so I can plan my days accordingly.
Now on the topic of today 'pampering' (wow that was a long way around). With my spare time I have been doing some of the normal body care things which I usually hate but are a necessary like shaving my legs. Ugh. I know there are a lot of you people out there saying 'ew gross she doesnt shave her legs' and you would be right I avoid it like the plague, but in my defense it has been a very mild summer and I have not been seen in public with shorts or a skirt on. Back on track now. I have found some very cheap and not so cheap products that I have been given over the years and only just getting around to using.
Here are my top five picks for the entire body.
1- Dr. Lewinn's Private Formula- Revitalising Hand Polish
Dr. LeWinn's Revitalising Hand Polish 150g
            Sea salt Exfoliator, sea salt, macadamia, aromatic oils
Really a beautiful pamper product for Mums. It is not a leave on product not a product that you have to use every day. Just what Mums need, something quick and easy and makes you feel good. It smells devine, a little fruity and it makes your hands silky smooth. I use it after I do the washing up. Not because my hands get wet cause I wear gloves. Ugh I hate wet hands. I use it just to pamper and to get rid of rubber glove smell. It is a little pricey $35 a jar but you use so little of it and it is worth it for lovely smelling and soft hands.

2- Versace Red Jeans- For women.
Red Jeans 75ml EDT SP by VersaceThis perfume makes me think of going apple picking on a spring day. I have never gone apple picking but this perfume is sweet and subtle. Just a perfect summer scent, for me. I love perfume in general one of my favorite things is the bottles. This bottle just like the perfume in understated and cute but the best thing is that it comes in a cute tin as well. As perfumes go this is a cheapy. About $30 a bottle but on sale at Priceline you can get it for under $20.

3- Original Source-Lime Shower Gel
This is a lovely refreshing shower gel that I believe is new at Coles. It is cheap as chips, $2 a bottle. It makes your bathroom smell like limes or in my case my house because I have the door open to hear the bub. Just a quick wash in the shower, it is packed full of 40 limes and essential oils and not only leaves you smelling good but leaves you nice and soft as well.

4- Lucas Papaw Ointment
I think this is a product that most people know but I think it is a product all people should know. it is great on lips, nappy rash, dry skin everything. Great product. I use this on bug bites, my lips and just everything. It is about $4 a tube and I would suggest you keep it in your car your hand bag and your bed side table and your bathroom and your first aid kit and in your hand just in case lol.

5- Nutrimetics- Nurti-rich Moisturising Body Satin

This is another great mum product, quick and easy. This comes in a spray can and although it looks like a tanning product it is just a spray on moisturiser. It is an apricot oil base and I assumed that it would be oily on my skin but it dries quickly and keeps your skin well moisturised. I have used this product since I was a teenager and it has only served me well. It is more of a pricey product for a moisturiser but it takes a while to get through so I would say it is worth it. It also smells great.

Thats my top five pampering products for Summer hope you enjoy. I love these products I hope you will to and Mum's pamper yourself.