Monday, January 28, 2013


I don't know why but I need a vent today. This will be entirely random thoughts that I have been having of late.

1- How could anyone hurt a child, any child but specifically your own child. I look at my babies and I can't imagine ever getting to the point where I am that angry or unhappy at them or otherwise that I would think hurting them would fix the problem. I want to hurt those people... a little counter productive I guess.

2- Discipline is love. I am not talking smacking but discipline your children people. Kids need rule, kids need guidelines. You are doing them a favour teaching them these rules and you are doing yourself a favour. When kids know the rules it doesn't mean they wont misbehave or try and bend the rules but it will reduce those incidents just be consistent.

3- I want the rain because we are only on tank water but we have water now so can you go away now.

4- I love exercising.  I get a little unmotivated  sometimes but if a make myself get out and do it I feel amazing. I would recommend for mums with young kids there is great kids yoga video that I do with Hastings on you tube I think it is Yogatic. Also for just anyone working out at home there are great print outs and full length videos on they have heaps of videos that will suit all fitness levels.

5- I love cooking. I love making pretty dishes but even more I love making delicious dinners. Cooking is cathartic for me.

Thanks for letting me think on screen.

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