Tuesday, April 10, 2012

You are Missed

There have been some very special people in my life some taken to early and all of them are so dearly missed.

It might just be pregnancy but it could just be getting older who knows, but I have been thinking about these people a lot and really missing them.

This will  be a bit sappy but just deal with it.

The person I miss the most and one of the most special people that has touched my life is my Pa, Robert Hastings Swain. I know he is so important to so many of my family and everyone who met him. He is my sons name sake, and he did so much and touched so many people. I think about him  so much, I wish that he got to meet my babies. I wish that my babies got to meet him.

There are three people I miss equally as much that where to young. Brett Bennett, Nick and Jino Stevens. I dated Brett in high school, he was not my sole mate but he was a really amazing boyfriend and an even better friend. He passed away when he was 17 in a car accident. He was a well rounded teenage boy which isn't common. Jino and Nick where Brothers and I knew them through Brett. They where a great support to me when Brett passed. They where 18 and 16 when they passed and their parents lost their entire family.

All of these people where big parts of my life and are duly missed. I love you all and I miss you.

1 comment:

  1. Is beautiful to cherish those times spent together even after they are gone, life is so fleeting. I too wish Shaylah and Kaenan had met Pa, I sometimes feel him watching over us all with an amused look, and hear his laugh often. Getting teary now,...big hugs Darlin xx
