Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Our little life

We have our good days we have our bad but most of all we are happy. My kids and I have most days at home some going into town but all days we have fun, we have laughs, we have cries and we have lots of love. This post was inspired by a friend of mine pointing out how we portray ourselves online.
The first few months that I had two kids was hard. Even when both my kids were asleep I had 100 other things to do and I was not handling it. I was determined to breastfeed because my milk stopped when Hastings was about 4 months old but when Calloway was 6 months old I was put on medication for a viral infection. I pumped enough for the 4 days but the infection  did not go away and I had to go on a second round of medication but I could not pump more because I had the medication in my system so he had to go on formula. Once he was on formula for a week I was unable to get my supply back enough and he was stuck on formula and once again I was in tears that I couldn't supply my baby with what he needed. When it comes down to it after the tears I know that he is healthy and he is happy but it is that initial though. Also the pressure to breastfeed, I agree with breastfeeding 100% but the first time I bottle fed in public I was more embarrassed than having my boob hanging out, because of the pressure.
I pride myself in my dedication to eating healthy and staying fit and I share that regularly. I do eat well but I also treat myself, just like anyone else. I do feed my kids healthy food but if I had a choice I would cheat. I don't have an option because Hastings is gluten and lactose intolerant. So that limits his food choices so I really can't give him snacks from the store most stuff is healthy and super good for you because I make it all myself. This food that Hastings can't eat does limit the amount of bad food we can keep in the house but that doesn't mean we don't have it. I bake for a living so I can whip up bad food faster then you can say 'oh bad maltodextrin'.
I have many people that I know say 'How do you do it manage 2 kids and do your baking business?'. Well the answer yes I manage two kids and yes I bake a lot... but things get left behind, I just mowed our lawn for the first time since December. I have not mopped my floor in weeks, I have swept but it really needs a mop. I look after my kids and I bake but things get left behind.
Now the kids are a bit bigger things are getting easier Hastings and Calloway play more together and Hastings listens well. I have a clean but untidy house. I have happy and unhappy days but do you know what. My life is perfect for me. My kids are perfect enough for me. My husband is perfect enough for me. Each person has there own perfect and like my inspiration for this post I think we need to love ourselves and   everything we are lucky enough to have. We just have to remember that when people share all these good things it is because they are happy and they want to share but they wont always share the bad times but it doesn't mean they don't have them.
Love to you all.