Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Just a quick brag I have the big baby who sleeps through the night and the little one only gets up once at about 3or 4 has a feed and is straight back to sleep. At three and a half weeks old I have been blessed with amazing sleepers. I will be complaining about this in 15 years when I can't get them out of bed.
But for now thank you sleepy baby men

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Neapolitan cupcakes- chocolate, strawberry and vanilla   

Sunday, August 19, 2012


Sorry this is so late. Here is my fruit tingle and Nutella cupcakes.
A few notes for the week.

- A horror story, at the playground I over hear a mother say to her 2 year old. Come on time to go, the toddler screams and cries, Mother says OK just 2 more minutes (cause 2 year old's are great at time management), 2 minutes later, come on time to go, toddler screams, Mother then says Ok come on if you come here we will go and get McDonald's..... toddler comes on over.
This is horrible, bribing a tantrum toddler with McDonald.... what the heck

- Going well with my health and weight loss and ultimately very very happy. 

- These cakes are yum

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Baby is 9 days old

Sleeping well, not all night but more then enough, as in I have only napped once since I have been home

Baby is feeding well, much better then his big brother, also thanks to some great tips from a breastfeeding queen

VERY IMPORTANT- I have started a health and weight loss blog please check it out http://loosethepregnant.blogspot.com.au/2012/08/in-beginning.html

Exciting stuff this weeks cupcakes are fruit tingle cupcakes and Nuttella cupcakes

I am feeling great. my body feels good my head feels good everything is in a good spot right now

There is your update.

Monday, August 6, 2012

A Miracle

Last night was our first night home with our new born baby.
We had lovely cuddles and a big feed before bed and then it started....
and then we woke up at 6am....
Wait hold up, my baby boy slept the entire night.
I still am sitting here in shock.
My first reaction was one many mothers have when there baby sleeps for a long time. I jumped and checked that he was still breathing. He was. I then woke my husband and we sat there in shock.

I dont expect this to be a common occurrence but just for it to happen once is more then amazing at 4 days old. 10.30pm till 6 am it is amazing.  It is the first time I have had a full nights sleep in months due to pregnancy bladder.

Thank you beautiful baby boys. Both great little sleepers.


Friday 3, August
A generous 8 pound 8 or 3.8 kg
50 cm long or 20 inches

Calloway Aaron Nester